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Use Cases | Key features | User's Manual | Package installation | Configuration | System requirements | Roadmap
Use Cases
Additional settings for the mobile application Service and help desk for OTRS 6 Community Edition.
Key features
- Push notifications for android
- Creating a web service automatically
- Setting global styles for priority and ticket states
User's Manual
1. Install the JSON API package version 6.41.0 or later on the OTRS6 server.
1.1. System requirements for JSON API.
1.2. To complete installing in the file zzz_otrs.conf (documentation link) inside section <Location / otrs> you should write:
1.3. Restart Apache.
2. Install the Mobile package
2.1. Software requirements for Moble.
2.2. Before installing the package, set the correct rights with the script /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.SetPermissions.pl.
2.3. After installing the Mobile package, you need to make sure that the AndroidNotification web service is created in the OTRS / Administration / Web Services Management / section.
2.4. Set the Push Notification checkboxes in the notifications that should be sent to devices in the OTRS / Administration / Ticket Notification Management section.
3. When authorizing in the mobile application, you can specify both the path to otrs as a whole and only the domain name: ServerAddress.com or https://ServerAddress.com/otrs/index.pl.
Possible errors when connecting a mobile application to the server
Error 404 - otrs configuration error
Login failed - problem with agent login and password
Package installation
Please use the following URL to install the package utilizing the Admin Interface (please note that you need to be in the "admin" group).
The steps for installing the package are described in the official OTRS instructions for the Administrator.
Defining ticket type abbreviations
RS :: Mobile :: Type :: Abbr
Setting to change the color of the priority icon.
RS :: Mobile :: Priority :: Color
Setting to change the background state color.
RS :: Mobile :: State :: BackgroundColor
Setting to change the State font color.
RS :: Mobile :: State :: Color
System requirements
Minimal requirements to hardware for OTRS:
- Processor 3 GHz Xeon or comparable
- Disk space 256 GB
Software requirements:
- OTRS Community Edition 6.0
- RS4OTRS JSON API version 3.36.3 or later
- Mobile app “Service and help desk for OTRS 6 Community Edition” - Google Play
# 6.0.5 2020-03-18
- (new) added a version check of installed JSON API