Use Cases | Key features | Description of methods | Package installation | Configuration | System requirements | Roadmap
Use Cases
Key features
Description of methods
Description in the archive with the addon.
Package installation
Please use the following URL to install the package utilizing the Admin Interface (please note that you need to be in the "admin" group).
The steps for installing the package are described in the official OTRS instructions for the Administrator.
For install completion in the file zzz_otrs.conf inside section <Location /otrs> you should write:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule "/api/(\w+)/(\w+)" "/otrs/$1&Subaction=$2" [QSA,L]
and restart Apache.
Most Apache installations have a conf.d directory included. On Linux systems you can usually find this directory under /etc/apache or /etc/apache2. Log in as root, change to the conf.d directory and link the appropriate template in /opt/otrs/scripts/apache2-httpd.include.conf to a file called zzz_otrs.conf in the Apache configuration directory (to make sure it is loaded after the other configurations).
System requirements
Minimal requirements to hardware for OTRS:
- Processor 3 GHz Xeon or comparable
- Disk space 256 GB
Software requirements:
- OTRS Community Edition 6.0
- Apache module "mod_perl"
- OTRS over https
# 6.41.0 2020-11-17
- /settings/setPushNotificationToken and token processing works only with RS4OTRS\_Mobile package;
- fixed package installation description;
- /user/getUserPermissions fixed permissions result list;
- /queue/getQueueList renamed Title to Name and it is a full name (path) now and FullTitle became FullName;
- /system/getPackageList was added;
- added Queue permissions check;
- added group permissions for the API methods;
- /queue/getQueueList added Accessible field;
- ``My Queues'' are the same as Open;
- /auth/login removed OTRSAgentInterface token field by default and replaced it on SessionName, SessionValue fields;
- /tickets/createAttachment as a POST method also;
- /service/getServiceList also shows services by default in a system;
- /tickets/updateQueue, /tickets/updatePriority fixed security typos;
- /tickets/createArticle sends Email articles by email;
- string fields which is empty (string) are undefined (null) in JSON responses;
- date fields which is empty (string) or zero are undefined (null) in JSON responses;
- /tickets/getTicketList added TicketFromFullTextSearch field with a ticket information when it is found by FullTextSearch with numbers in it which are like TicketNumber of a ticket;
- /tickets/getTicketList SmartSort parameter added for useful sorting by EscalationSolutionTime;
- /filter/getTicketViews fixed default Colors when RS4OTRS\_Mobile package isn't installed;
- removed useless permission checks;
- /customers/getCustomerUser added error responses.
- /tickets/getTicketList fixed timezone error for CreateTimeUnix field.
- /tickets/getTicketList fixed Count response.
- /tickets/createTicket LockByOwner is true by default.
- My Queues filter gets queues from personal queues of personal notification settings of a user.
- /services/getServiceList for CustomerUserLogin returns a tree as for /queues/getQueueList.
- /tickets/updateTicket State, Owner, Priority cannot be changed ticket a ticket isn't locked by a user.
- /tickets/createAttachment, /tickets/updateOwner, /tickets/updatePriority, /tickets/updateQueue, /tickets/updateState added errors response.
- /ticket/createArticle fixed a ticket history message.
- /customers/getCustomerUserList added query parameters for searching.
- /tickets/updateTicket, /tickets/updateState closed tickets will be unlocked also.
- /tickets/updateTicket, /tickets/updateOwner added Rule parameter for different algorithms of Owner changing.
# 6.36.3 2020-03-23
- (error) fixed error showing of invalid ChallengeToken for /logout from OTRS.
- (error) fixed errors while addressing to Android application functionality.
# 6.36.2 2020-03-18
- (new) taken away mobile application settings.
# 6.36.1 2020-03-17
- (edit) take into account ticket lock while queue update.
- (edit) license updated.
# 6.36.0 2020-03-14
- (new) added LockByOwner for /tickets/createTicket.
- (new) added /users/getUserPermissions.
- removed notifications for Android.
- (new) update ticket queue can only owner.
# 6.35.208 2020-03-11
- (new) show user groups (Groups) for /auth/login response.
# 6.35.207 2020-03-10
- (new) added Direction field for messages of /getArticles.
# 6.35.206 2020-03-04
- (new) added field IsVisible for State in response of /getTicketViews,
which can be Open, Closed for StateType for /getTicketList.
- (new) added field StateType.