Incident Dashboard
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Use Cases | Key features | User's Manual | Package installation | Configuration | System requirements | Roadmap
Use Cases
Extended OTRS Incident Dashboard
Key features
- Incident the percentage of solution time
- The number of incidents by agents.
- Incident filtering (by services, queues, clients).
- Major incident widget
- VIP customer incident widget
User's Manual
To view the widget go to the “Incidents” menu (Figure 3.1).
Figure 3.1. Menu “Incidents”
Figure 3.2. Incidents digest
The incidents digest consists of graphs:
- All incidents
- VIP incidents
- Critical incidents
- Global incidents
Graph name |
Tickets displayed in the graph |
All incidents |
All tickets that meet the condition: ● Decision time on the ticket (SLA SolutionTime) exceeds the percentage specified in the settings (default 0%) |
VIP incidents |
Tickets that meet the condition: ● Decision time on the request (SLA SolutionTime) exceeds the percentage specified in the settings (default 0%) ● The ticket has the “VIP” sign (Dynamic “VIP” field contains the value “VIP”) |
Critical incidents |
Tickets that meet the condition: ● Decision time on the request (SLA SolutionTime) exceeds the percentage specified in the settings (default 0%) ● The ticket has the sign of the critical incident (Dynamic “ITSMImpact” field contains the value 5) |
Global incidents |
Tickets that meet the condition: ● Decision time on the request (SLA SolutionTime) exceeds the percentage specified in the settings (default 0%) ● The ticket has the sign of the global incident (Ticket type “Mass failure (Accident)”) |
When you click on the “Parameters” button a block with a list of all the available graphs is opened. With the help of checkboxes the display / hide of the graph on the screen is adjusted (Figure 2.3). To apply the specified parameters click on the "Save Settings" button.
Figure 3.3. Parameters of incidents digest
Each graph is a separate block, which contains the following elements:
- Graph
- Filtering parameters
- Information on the number of incidents by agents
3.1. Graph
The graph shows category tickets (each category has its own color):
- 1 line
- 2 line
- 3 line
- Others
The horizontal scale of the graph is made by the incidents (the divisions of the scale are the sequence numbers of the incidents).
The vertical scale is made by the percentage of solution time exceed (SLA SolutionTime) for a ticket.
Attention! If the percentage of exceeding the decision time on the ticket is above the maximum value (the default is “200”, it is adjusted in the settings), the maximum value is displayed on the graph, not the actual value. (For example, the maximum percentage of exceeding the decision time on the ticket is “200”. If the percentage of exceeding the decision time on the ticket is “500”, this value will be cut off and the value “200” will be displayed on the graph)
When you click on an incident (a column in the chart, indicated in Figure 3.4) a window with detailed information about it is displayed (Figure 3.5); when you click on a number, the ticket is opened in a new browser tab.
Figure 3.4. Incident details preview
Figure 3.5. Window for incident details preview
3.2. Filtering parameters
To view the available filters, click the “Show Filters” button (Figure 3.6). If filters are displayed on the screen, you must click the “Hide Filters” button to hide them.
Figure 3.6. “Show filters” button
This will open the list of filters (Figure 3.7):
- Queue
- Service
- Client
When you choose a value in the drop-down list, the filter is automatically applied to the graph (Figure 3.7).
Figure 3.7. Filters
3.3. Information on the number of incidents by agents
In the block to the right of the graph, a table with information on the number of incidents by agents is displayed (Figure 3.8). Opposite to the name of the agent the number of incidents on the graph is displayed. Clicking on a number of incidents in a new tab a list of tickets is displayed (Figure 3.9).
Figure 3.8. Information on the number of incidents by agents
Package installation
Please use the following URL to install the package utilizing the Admin Interface (please note that you need to be in the "admin" group).
The steps for installing the package are described in the official OTRS instructions for the Administrator.
Module Configuration (in system configuration)
The package can be configured via the System Configuration in the Admin Interface.
Ticket → Frontend::Agent::IncidentDashboard.
The section contains the following settings:
- IncidentDashboardBackend###0001-DashboardIncident
- IncidentDashboardBackend###0003-DashboardIncidentVIP
- IncidentDashboardBackend###0004-DashboardIncidentITSMImpact
- IncidentDashboardBackend###0005-DashboardIncidentGlob
- IncidentDashboard###Queues
- IncidentDashboard###LineColors
- IncidentDashboard###Filters
- IncidentDashboard###Limit
- IncidentDashboard###MaxProc
- IncidentDashboard###NoIncident
Settings description is below.
System link - your_server/otrs/index.pl?Action=AgentIncidentDashboard
5.1.1. IncidentDashboardBackend###0001-DashboardIncident
This setting defines the parameters of the “All Incidents” block.
Key |
Content |
Description |
Block |
ContentLargeWide |
The setting determines the location of the block (ContentLargeWide - across the entire width of the window) |
Default |
1 |
The setting determines whether the block is displayed by default (“1” = “yes”) |
Description |
All Incidents |
Block description |
Module |
Kernel::Output::HTML::DashboardIncident |
Module name |
Permission |
rw |
Block access rights (“rw” - “read and write”) |
Title |
All Incidents |
Block name |
5.1.2. IncidentDashboardBackend###0003-DashboardIncidentVIP
This setting defines the parameters of the “VIP incidents” block.
Key |
Content |
Description |
Block |
ContentLarge |
The setting determines the location of the block (ContentLarge - the block is located in the same row with the other blocks with this setting - the blocks occupy the entire width of the window) |
Default |
1 |
The setting determines whether the block is displayed by default (“1” = “yes”) |
Description |
VIP Incidents |
Block description |
Module |
Kernel::Output::HTML::DashboardIncident |
Module name |
Permission |
rw |
Block access rights (“rw” - “read and write”) |
Title |
VIP Incidents |
Block name |
5.1.3. IncidentDashboardBackend###0004- DashboardIncidentITSMImpact
This setting defines the parameters of the “Critical Incidents” block.
Key |
Content |
Description |
Block |
ContentLarge |
The setting determines the location of the block (ContentLarge - the block is located in the same row with the other blocks with this setting - the blocks occupy the entire width of the window) |
Default |
1 |
The setting determines whether the block is displayed by default (“1” = “yes”) |
Description |
Critical Incidents |
Block description |
Module |
Kernel::Output::HTML::DashboardIncident |
Module name |
Permission |
rw |
Block access rights (“rw” - “read and write”) |
Title |
Critical Incidents |
Block name |
5.1.4. IncidentDashboardBackend###0005-DashboardIncidentGlob
This setting defines the parameters of the “Global Incidents” block.
Key |
Content |
Description |
Block |
ContentLarge |
The setting determines the location of the block (ContentLarge - the block is located in the same row with the other blocks with this setting - the blocks occupy the entire width of the window) |
Default |
1 |
The setting determines whether the block is displayed by default (“1” = “yes”) |
Description |
Global Incidents |
Block description |
Module |
Kernel::Output::HTML::DashboardIncident |
Module name |
Permission |
rw |
Block access rights (“rw” - “read and write”) |
Title |
Global Incidents |
Block name |
5.1.5. IncidentDashboard###Queues
Эта настройка определяет соответствие очередей и линий поддержки.
Field name |
Field description |
Key |
Support line (ID) |
Description |
Queues included in this support line. Regular expressions can be used in the field, for example, “1. * “to select all the queues whose names begin with” 1. ” |
5.1.6. IncidentDashboard###LineColors
This setting defines which colors correspond to the support lines on the incident graph.
Field name |
Field description |
Key |
Support line ID |
Content |
Color corresponding to the support line in the incident graph |
5.1.7. IncidentDashboard###Filters
This setting defines which tickets are displayed on the “VIP Incidents”, “Critical Incidents”, “Global Incidents” graphs.
Field name |
Field description |
Key |
Graph name |
Content |
The sign of the ticket, which determines the display of the Incident on a specific graph |
Key |
Content |
Description |
Global |
Major Incident |
The ticket is displayed on the “Global Incidents” graph, provided that the ticket type is “Major Incident”. |
ITSMImpact |
5 |
The ticket is displayed on the “Critical Incidents” graph, provided that the dynamic field “ITSMImpact” is “5”. |
The ticket is displayed on the “Critical Incidents” graph, provided that the dynamic “VIP” field is “VIP”. |
5.1.8. IncidentDashboard###Limit
This setting defines the percentage of solution time out (SLA SolutionTime) for the ticket; if it is exceeded - the ticket goes into the graph.
Field name |
Field description |
Key |
Graph name |
Content |
The value of the percentage of excess time solution for the ticket (if it is exceeded - the ticket goes into the graph) |
Key |
Content |
Description |
All |
0 |
The ticket is displayed on the “All Incidents” graph, provided that the percentage of time spent on solving it is more than 0. |
Special |
0 |
Tickets are displayed on the “VIP Incidents”, “Critical Incidents”, “Global Incidents” graphs, provided that the percentage of time spent on solving them is more than 0. |
5.1.9. IncidentDashboard###MaxProc
This setting defines the maximum percentage of solution time out (SLA SolutionTime) for a ticket. If the percentage of exceeding the decision time on the ticket is above the specified value, a new value is displayed on the graph. (For example, this parameter is equal to “200”, if the percentage of exceeding the decision time on the application is “500”, this value will be cut off and the value “200” will be displayed on the graph)
Field name |
Field description |
The maximum percentage of the solution time limit for the ticket (default = “200”). |
5.1.10. IncidentDashboard###NoIncident
This setting defines the type of block in the absence of incidents in it (Figure 5.1). Represents an HTML input field.
Field content |
<div style="padding-top:75px;font-size:19px;color:#27ae60;">Everything is fine! </div> |
Figure 5.1. View of the block in the absence of incidents
System requirements
Minimal requirements to hardware for OTRS:
- Processor 3 GHz Xeon or comparable
- Disk space 256 GB
Software requirements:
- OTRS Community Edition 6.0
- RS4OTRS_AdvancedTicketSearch-6.1.3