Advanced Ticket States
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Use Cases | Key features | User's Manual | Package installation | Configuration | System requirements | Roadmap
Use Cases
Quick setup of available states for each type of tickets. Buttons, actions and individual dialogs for each ticket state.
Key features
The RS4OTRS Advanced Ticket States module allows you to change the status of tickets by pressing one button.
- Buttons in the ticketzoom for each status
- States matrix for ticket types
- Flexible dialogs configuration for each status
- Color setting for buttons
- New actions - previous queue, creator agent, previous agent, current date and time
- Pending time setting
- Import-export module settings
User's Manual
- State change
To change ticket state, click on the state button in the ticket menu. Available states are configured in the module settings section.
For example, a ticket in the “Open” state, for this state there is a transition to the “Closed successfully” state (Figure 3.1).
Figure 3.1. Sample ticket in “Open” state
Depending on the system configuration after clicking on the “Closed successfully” button, a window with fields for filling will appear (Figure 3.2), or the ticket will be immediately transferred to the required state
Package installation
Please use the following URL to install the package utilizing the Admin Interface (please note that you need to be in the "admin" group).
The steps for installing the package are described in the official OTRS instructions for the Administrator.
The package can be configured in the Admin Interface
After successful installation of the module in the “Admin” menu, in the “Miscellaneous” section, the item “Advanced request states” appears in which the module is configured (Figure 5.1).
Figure 5.1. “Advanced request states” in the “Miscellaneous” section
Before the type of tickets is selected (Figure 5.2), import and export actions are available in the section (section 5.5.1)
Figure 5.2. Tickets type is not selected
Figure 5.3. Tickets type is selected
After the ticket type is selected (Figure 5.2), the following actions are available in the section (for the selected request type):
- Copying (sec.5.5.2)
- State Settings (sec. 5.5.3)
- Transitions for States (sec. 5.5.4)
- Actions for states (sec.5.5.5)
5.5.1. Import, export
To copy settings, the module provides options for exporting and importing all settings from one system to another (Figure 5.4)
Figure 5.4. Settings import and export
To copy all the settings available in the system, you must click the “Export” button, and the file with the settings in the “.txt” format will be downloaded from the system.
This file contains data about all module settings and is suitable for importing them.
To import settings into the current system, you need to click the “Import” button, select the file with the settings, and then click “Submit” (Figure 5.5). All settings from the file will be transferred to the system.
Figure 5.5.Settings import
5.5.2. Copying
To copy settings between types, in the “Type” field select the type of tickets from which the settings should be copied (Figure 5.3).
Next, in the drop-down list, select the type to which copying will be made (Figure 5.6) and click the “Process” button.
Figure 5.6. Ticket types copying
Types marked with “+” already have settings - they will be overwritten when copied.
5.5.3. State settings
This section contains a table in which state settings are made for the selected ticket type (Figure 5.7). Below is a description of the table fields. To apply the specified settings, click the “Save” button.
Figure 5.7. State settings
Fields group |
Fields group description |
Field |
Field description |
State |
Ticket state for which settings are made
Buttons for ticketzooms |
Parameters for button in ticketzum |
Headline |
Button showing state name
Description |
Tooltip displayed when you hover the cursor over a button |
Colour |
Button colour in ticketzoom |
Window |
Parameters for the window opened when clicking on the button in the ticketzoom |
Show |
Если параметр установлен, при нажатии кнопки в тикезуме отображается окно с заданными параметрами |
Queue |
If the parameter is set, when changing the ticket state it is possible to change the queue |
Owner |
If the parameter is set, when changing the ticket state it is possible to change the owner |
Ticket |
If the parameter is set, when changing the ticket state it is possible to change the ticket |
Accounted time |
If the parameter is set, when changing the ticket state it is possible to add accounted time |
Waiting time interval |
Waiting time parameters for the ticket |
Edited |
If the parameter is set,the waiting time editing is available. |
Value |
This parameter defines the time (in seconds) added to the current time if the waiting state is set (default: 86400 = 1 day). If the field is empty or equal to "0", the value from the setting is taken Ticket::Frontend::PendingDiffTime |
5.5.4. Transitions for States
In the “Transitions for States” section, possible changes in the ticket state are set. All configured transitions are displayed in the table (Figure 5.8).
Figure 5.8. Transitions for states
The following actions are available in the section:
- Deleting a state transition (delete icon in the “Delete” table column)
- Editing transitions for states (edit icon in the “Edit” table column) - the composition of fields when editing is similar to the composition of fields when adding a transition for states
- Adding transition for states (button “Add transition for state”), description is given in sec. Adding transition for state
To add a transition, click the “Add transition for state” button, this will open the form for adding a transition (Figure 5.9). The composition of the form fields is given in the table below (the * symbol indicates required fields). After all the settings are made, you must click the “Add” button.
Figure 5.9. Adding transitions for state
Field name |
Fields description |
*State |
Drop-down list in which you must select the initial state |
*Next state |
Drop-down list in which you need to select the state to which the transition will be made. |
Always for unlocked |
If the parameter is set, the state transition button will be visible to all agents with the appropriate rights (if the ticket is unlocked) or is visible only to the owner of the ticket (if the ticket is locked). |
Only for locked |
If the parameter is set, the button will be visible only to the owner of the ticket and only if the ticket is locked. |
5.5.5. Actions for states
In the “Actions for states” section, you can configure actions that will be automatically executed when a ticket goes to a certain state. All configured actions are displayed in a table (Figure 5.10).
Figure 5.10. Actions for states
The following actions are available in the section:
- The deletion of an action for states (delete icon in the “Delete” table column)
- Adding an action for states (button “Add action for state”), description is given in section Adding actions for states
To add an action, click the “Add action for state” button, and the adding action form will be opened (Figure 5.11). The composition of the form fields is given in the table below (the * symbol indicates required fields). After all the settings are made, you must click the “Add” button.
Figure 5.11. Adding actions for states
Field name |
Field description |
*State |
Drop-down list in which you need to select the state for which the action will be made |
*Attribute |
Drop-down list in which you must select an action for the state. A description of all available actions is given in the table below. |
Attribute |
Attribute description |
To the previous agent |
After moving to the specified state, the ticket is returned to the previous owner. |
To the agent -decision-maker |
After the transition to the specified state, the ticket is returned to the agent who made the decision on the ticket. |
To the agent-creater |
After the transition to the specified state, the ticket is returned to the agent that created the ticket. |
Lock |
When you switch to the specified state, one of the selected lock options is set: lock, unlock, tmp-lock (temporary lock). The blocking parameter is set in the “Value” field that appears on the screen when the “Lock” attribute is selected. |
Dynamic field |
When you switch to the specified state, the dynamic field is filled. The name of the dynamic field is set in the “Name” field, which appears on the screen when you select the attribute “Dynamic field”. |
Queue |
When you switch to the specified state, the ticket goes to the specified queue. The name of the queue is set in the “Value” field that appears on the screen when the “Queue” attribute is selected. |
Previous queue |
The ticket will be moved to the previous queue. |
System requirements
Minimal requirements to hardware for OTRS:
- Processor 3 GHz Xeon or comparable
- Disk space 256 GB
Software requirements:
- OTRS Community Edition 6.0
- RS4OTRS_NotificationEventMod-6.2.1