Ticket Slack and RocketChat Notification
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Use Cases | Key features | User's Manual | Package installation | Configuration | System requirements | Roadmap
Use Cases
Integration with Slack and RocketChat - event notifications from OTRS to channels.
Key features
The module allows to receive agent notifications on events from OTRS to Slack and RocketChat channels.
Notifications are configured on the queue. For each queue, you can configure an unlimited number of Slack or RocketChat channels.
Event notifications are available:
- Adding a note to the ticket (AddNote)
- Delaying time has come (DelayingTime)
- The time for the first response reached (FirstResponseEscalation)
- Customer Response (FollowUp)
- The owner of the request was changed (OwnerUpdate)
- There is a timeout (PendingTime)
- Ticket solution time reched (SolutionEscalation)
- Change of ticket status (StateUpdate)
- New ticket (TicketCreate)
User's Manual
To receive notifications, an agent must be a member of a Slack or RocketChat channel for which notifications from OTRS are configured.
Package installation
Please use the following URL to install the package utilizing the Admin Interface (please note that you need to be in the "admin" group).
The steps for installing the package are described in the official OTRS instructions for the Administrator.
The package can be configured via the System Configuration in the Admin Interface.
The following configuration options are available:
Module configuration is made in TicketSlackNotification → Core. The appearance of the settings window is shown in Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1. Configuration
Module configuration contains 7 elements:
- SlackNotification::QueueRecipients
- SlackNotification::SlackLink
- SlackNotification::SlackCalendar
- SlackNotification::EventFormat
- SlackNotification::StateUpdate::StateIDs
- SlackNotification::TicketCreate::SenderTypes
- SlackNotification::Subject
Below is the description of each element.
5.1.1. SlackNotification::QueueRecipients
This setting determines the correspondence of queues and Slack channels to which messages will be sent from specified queues. Multiple channels can be configured for one queue.
In the section, settings for several queues can be added.
Field |
Description |
Key |
Queue Name in OTRS |
Content |
Webhook of Slack channel, in which messages about events from a specified queue will be sent. If necessary, you can specify several channels. For that you need to specify their webhook in this field with a separator “|” |
5.1.2. SlackNotification::SlackLink
This setting specifies a link to the channel API in Slack.
Field |
Description |
Webhook of Slack queue, in which messages about events from a specified queue will be sent. |
5.1.3. SlackNotification::SlackCalendar
This setting determines whether the calendar is used (for sending notifications only during business hours specified in the calendar).
Field |
Description |
Set of values: "" yes, "no". The default value is yes. If you select "yes", notifications to Slack are sent only during business hours, which are set in the calendar. If you select the "no" option, notifications to Slack are sent at any time. |
5.1.4. SlackNotification::EventFormat
This setting determines the format of the notification text for each event.
Field |
Description |
Key |
Event name |
Content |
Notification message |
For each of the events, a notification is sent to the Slask channel, their text is given in the table:
Event name |
Notification body |
Comment |
AddNote |
@$login, new ticket |
@$login - |
DelayingTime |
@$login, delaynig time has come|”hold” |
@$login - @Login of a ticket owner |hold – state which is tracked (hold)(hold) |
FirstResponseEscalation |
Requires prompt type assignment|70% |
|70% - % of SLA time when an event notification will be sent |
FollowUp |
Customer response |
OwnerUpdate |
@$login, You are assigned as a ticket owner |
@$login - @Login of a ticket owner |
PendingTime |
@$login, pending time has come|”pending client” |
@$login - @Login of a ticket owner |pending client – state which is tracked (pending client) |
SolutionEscalation |
Less than 70% is left before a ticket solution time. |
|70% - % of SLA time when an event notification will be sent |
StateUpdate |
Change of status |
TicketCreate |
New ticket |
In addition to the text indicated in the "Notification text" field, the following information is sent to each user for each ticket:
- From: the sender's name and e-mail
- Subject: subject of the note
- More:link to OTRS ticket
Example of a notification layout ( Figure 5.2, 5.3):
Figure 5.2. Notification layout in Slack
Figure 5.3. Notification layout in RocketChat
5.1.5. SlackNotification::StateUpdate::StateIDs
This setting specifies a list of state IDs for which event notifications will be sent on the StateUpdate event (change of Status).
5.1.6. SlackNotification::TicketCreate::SenderTypes
This setting determines the types of notes that will be sent to the TicketCreate event notification.
Поле |
Description |
Possible types of notes: system, customer, agent |
5.1.7. SlackNotification::Subject
This setting determines what will be displayed in the subject of the notification (the article subjector the ticket title)
Field |
Description |
Possible values: article subject, ticket title |
5.2. Module configuration (in the "Administration" section)
The module configuration in the "Administration" section is not required.
System requirements
Minimal requirements to hardware for OTRS:
- Processor 3 GHz Xeon or comparable
- Disk space 256 GB
Software requirements:
- OTRS Community Edition 6.0