Time Manager
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Use Cases | Key features | User's Manual | Package installation | Configuration | System requirements | Roadmap
Use Cases
The module is designed to visualize the accounted time by agents for executing work on tickets. You can get additional options to analyze accounted time.
Key features
- Displaying the monthly time spent on all agents
- Ability to filter time by queues, types of tickets, states, services, priorities, customers
- Download reports in xls format
- Ability to track the time in hours and minutes
- Ability to choose the type of time - paid or unpaid
User's Manual
Display of the monthly time spent on all agents
To work with the Time Manager module, click the button with the same name in the agent portal (Figure 3.1)
Figure 3.1. Menu section “Time Manager”
When you click on the section a summary for the agents (the description is given below) is opened, as well as a block of actions to the left of the table (Description is given in Section 3.2. Actions).
The data in the agent summary table (Figure 3.2) is formed by months, the month value can be changed using the arrows in the upper right corner of the table.
Available table actions:
- Viewing detailed information on the agent - to view, you must click on the name of the agent, this will open a page with detailed information on the agent’s working time (the description is given in Section 6.1.2. Viewing detailed information on the agent).
Figure 3.2. Time Manager
3.1.1. Detailed information about the agent
The page with a detailed overview displays a calendar with a list of tickets for the days with which the agent worked during the month, as well as the spent time per day (Figure 3.3).
Figure 3.3. Detailed information on the agent working time
At the bottom of the page a summary table with all tickets for the specified period on the selected agent is displayed (Figure 3.4). It contains the following columns:
- ticket title
- state
- queue
- owner
- customer
- spent time in hours
Figure 3.4. Summary table on the agent
Figure 3.5. Display of the message and working time on the ticket
3.1.2. Ticket details
Figure 3.6
3.1.3. Agent’s day view
Figure 3.7
3.2. Actions
Figure 3.8
3.2.1. Filtering
The following filtering options are available in the filter block:
- by queue
- by type
- by state
- by priority
- by customer
After selecting the filter you must click the "Show" button to display the data in the table.
3.2.2. Reports
In the report block, agent reports are available for uploading. They can be generated using one of two filter options:
- for the last period (year, quarter, month)
- for a calendar year
After selecting the period, you must click the Download button, this will download the report file in .xls format.
The report uploads data on the full previous (completed) time intervals, that is, the current month / quarter / year will not be displayed in the report.
3.3. Time tracking
In the open ticket, select the “Interaction” section, sub-item “Note”. Fill in the required fields for notes and time information (Figure 3.9):
- Time (hours, minutes)
- Billable (“yes” or “no”)
Figure 3.9
Package installation
Please use the following URL to install the package utilizing the Admin Interface (please note that you need to be in the "admin" group).
The steps for installing the package are described in the official OTRS instructions for the Administrator.
The package can be configured via the System Configuration in the Admin Interface
Ticket → Core :: Ticket :: Time
The following configuration options are available:
- BillableCheckboxDefaultUnselect
- HideTimeUnitsGroupIDs
- OneDayTimeUnitsMaxHours
- OneTimeUnitsMaxHourValue
- ShowTicketIDInsteadTicketNumber
- ShowTimeWidgetOnTicketZoom
- ShowTimesOnLinkedTicketTable
- ShowZeroTimeArticle
- TicketLinkTypesForCounting
- TimeManagerRoleIDs
- TimeManagerAccess###AdminGroupIDs
- TimeManagerAccess###SuperAdminGroupIDs
- TimeManagerAccess###UserGroupIDs
This setting determines the default value for the “Billable” checkbox on the ticket form.
Field name |
Field description |
Value set: “yes”, “no”. The default is yes. When choosing “yes”, “Billable” checkbox is equal to “yes” by default. |
This setting disable to show accounted time in the ticket zoom and time manager widget
Field name |
Field description |
The default is empty (all agents can see time units) |
This setting determines the maximum number of hours that an agent can set for all notes (per twenty-four hours).
Field name |
Field description |
The maximum number of hours that an agent can set for one note (per twenty-four hours). The default is 12. |
This setting determines the maximum number of hours that an agent can set for one note (per twenty-four hours).
Field name |
Field description |
The maximum number of hours that an agent can set for one note (per twenty-four hours). The default is 8. |
This setting enable to show TicketID in the Time Manager dashboard instead of Ticket number
Field name |
Field description |
The default is Disabled |
This setting determines the display of the widget to visualise the time spent by agents on the work in the ticket.
Field name |
Field description |
Value set: “yes”, “no”. The default is yes. When you select the “yes” option in the ticket, a widget is displayed to visualize the time spent by agents on the ticket. |
This setting enable to show accounted time in the linked ticket widget
Field name |
Field description |
The default is Disabled |
This setting enable to show in the Time Manager dashboard articles whit zero time
Field name |
Field description |
The default is Disabled |
This setting defines the types of links to show the time spent on linked tickets.
Field name |
Field description |
The default is ParentChild |
This setting defines ID of users’ roles to which agent time editing is available as well as viewing.
Field name |
Field description |
ID of user role, to which agent time editing is available as well as viewing. |
This setting defines administrators of Time Manager dashboard who will see the accounted time for those agents who have RW rights in the same groups as administrators.
Field name |
Field description |
User group ID |
This setting defines administrators of Time Manager dashboard who will see the accounted time for all agents.
Field name |
Field description |
User group ID |
This setting defines who can access to Time Manager dashboard to view own accounted time. If it empty all agents can access to own accounted time
Field name |
Field description |
User group ID |
System requirements
Minimal requirements to hardware for OTRS:
- Processor 3 GHz Xeon or comparable
- Disk space 256 GB
Software requirements:
- OTRS Community Edition 6.0
- NOTE Perl module Date::Calc (CentOS installation - yum install perl-Date-Calc)