Priority matrix
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Use Cases | Key features | User's Manual | Package installation | Configuration | System requirements | Roadmap
Use Cases
The module adds matrixes to the system that allow you to prioritize tickets taking into account their type, urgency, influence, priority, service, SLA.
Key features
Ticket auto-prioritization on four matrixes:- Type - Urgency - Impact (TUI)
- Urgency - Impact - Priority (UIP)
- Service - Impact - SLA (SIS)
- Service - Urgency - Impact - SLA (SUIS)
User's Manual
Service - Impact - SLA
Service - Impact - SLA. Editing
Urgency - Impact - Priority
Service - Urgency - Impact - SLA
Service - Urgency - Impact - SLA (Editing)
Type - Urgency - Impact
Package installation
Please use the following URL to install the package utilizing the Admin Interface (please note that you need to be in the "admin" group).
The steps for installing the package are described in the official OTRS instructions for the Administrator.
Attention! The matrixes “Service - Impact - SLA” and “Service - Urgency - Impact - SLA” are mutually exclusive, one matrix of them should be used.
Switch: Admin / System Configuration / Ticket :: SLAMatrixSelect.
System requirements
Minimal requirements to hardware for OTRS:
- Processor 3 GHz Xeon or comparable
- Disk space 256 GB
Software requirements:
- OTRS Community Edition 6.0