Linked Ticket State Matrix

Linked Ticket State Matrix

Downloads: 1

Addon version: 6.0.3

Radiant System

  • €99.00

Use Cases | Key features | User's Manual | Package installation | ConfigurationSystem requirementsRoadmap

    Use Cases

    Automatic set of the parent ticket to the specified status based on the status of the linked tickets.


    Key features

    Delete / add rules for changing the status of the parent ticket.


    User's Manual

    001. Admin


    002. Linked Ticket State Matrix Management 

    003. Linked Ticket State Matrix Add



    Package installation

    Please use the following URL to install the package utilizing the Admin Interface (please note that you need to be in the "admin" group).


    The steps for installing the package are described in the official OTRS instructions for the Administrator.



      Available options:
      • type of linked tickets;
      • linked ticket states;
      • previous states of the parent ticket;
      • next state of the parent ticket;
      • condition for changing state:
        • if all linked are closed;
        • if all liled in the same status;
        • if at least one in a certain state;
      • owner of the parent ticket.

      System requirements

      Minimal requirements to hardware for OTRS:

      • Processor 3 GHz Xeon or comparable
      • RAM 8 GB RAM
      • Disk space 256 GB

      Software requirements:

      • OTRS Community Edition 6.0
